Thursday, October 22, 2015

Marathon: The Most Important Battle In Grecian History Reduced to a Footrace

Two armies are standing on a swampy plain. Suddenly, the smaller army advances, shields interlocked to form a phalanx. Commands are shouted, and the two armies charge at each other. They collide in a dark storm of bodies, the shine of bronze armor and spears, and the screams of dying men. Blood flows freely this day, and it will be spoken about and sung in the tales of bards for generations to come. This is the Battle of Marathon, the pivotal moment in the Greco-Persian War. This battle was the culmination of the Greek resistance to Persian efforts to conquer them. After the Greeks won, they sent a runner to tell Athens of the victory. He ran at a breakneck pace for 26.2 miles to arrive at the city, only managing to say, “We have won.” before collapsing, dead. The Persian offensive was destroyed, and all in Greece cheered. But the Persians were more than the villains of 300. What can you find out about this ancient empire?    


  1. The Persians have built massive temples, had an army of over 1,000,000, unheard of at the time, and have made priceless artifacts that are sadly being demolished by ISIS. The Persian empire was truly a great asset to history and should not be remembered of the "300" and its humiliating defeats at the hands of Greece and Macedonia.

  2. Another excellent post...writing game strong!
