Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What comes to my mind when I hear economics

What comes to my mind when I hear the word economics is money. The way that money is used and how it affects many things that have to do with economics. People buy things all the time, including your house, car, clothes, and even your pet! What also comes to my mind is business.It is a very important aspect to the way of everyone's way of life. If you didn't have that grocery store on the corner, it probably wouldn’t be as easy for your parents to go shopping for your dinner. Can you name three things you have bought in the past week using money and going to the store?  

Image result for money


  1. I think this is really good information. I think I learn something. I wish you could put more information about like what the grocery store has to do with economy. But what you put is really good. There are many more things that relate to economy besides cars,houses,clothes. If you put more things that relate to economy it would be better.

    1. Thanks! I kept it broad but thanks for the advice.

  2. I really like this blog, it's full of lots of useful information. It made me realize how everything we buy has something to do with economics. Money plays such a big part in our lives and a lot of times I forget that. I bought a lot of things this week and they all are part of the economy.
