Thursday, October 22, 2015

How the Olympics began!

Ever wonder where the first Olympics came from?  The Olympics came from the Greece. Although we don't know exactly why they had the creation of the games. We do know that they had the games to honor Zeus. They had games and festivals every four years. Back then they only had one game in their Olympics which was a race. A few years after the games had started they started to add more games and competitions. In the beginning the games were only for the Greeks and then they allowed the roman empire athletes to join. Then the Olympics kept growing and getting bigger and bigger. Did you know this before?\


  1. wow I never knew that is how it got started. I never knew that they started the whole thing to honor Zeus. That's cool how they started out with only had one game and now we have like thousand of games that we compete. And that's crazy that only Greeks could participate. I think that this article is going to change the way that I watch the Olympics.

  2. Wow Chloe Krumm, I never knew that the Olympics started from the Ancient Greece. That is so cool. This is cool who it started out by the Ancient Greece playing games every four years. That is a similarity. The Olympics are getting so big. They now have Winter and Summer Olympics.

  3. I agree! To be honest I never new that is where the Olympics came from in till now! I did not even now that the Olympics were to honor Zeus. I Also think that it's crazy that there was only one game in the first Olympics and now we have so many. It's also crazy to think about how they only allowed Greeks to participate this surprised me! Thanks for commenting!
