Monday, November 18, 2019

Welp... I told you so.

So, this thing about Cassandra. She was a greek prophet who could see into the future. You might think this is a blessing, and you'd be right... under other circumstances. Here's the thing; Cassandra spoke in riddles and metaphors, so no one understood her, she wanted people to act and do things that were to much for most people, and most importantly, in my opinion, she had no authority. What do you think of this 'blessing' now?
What I learned from this podcast is that people with no authority usually don't get heard when they have a 'Cassandra moment', or a warning of the future. For example, A man named Andrew Natsios had a Cassandra moment and since the president knew him, he listened. But the engineers in the disaster of  Challenger, the space shuttle, predicted that something would happen and called to postpone the launch, but the managers overruled them and, well, you know what happened next.
Anyway, I want to leave you with a question. If someone you know has a cassandra moment, would you listen to them? Think carefully.


  1. I like how you have added onomatopoeia, it makes a big effect on the blog. I agree with you, she had absolutely no authority over anyone because Apollo had cursed her that no one would believe her. I have just one question, have you or anyone you know ever had or seen someone have a 'Cassandra Moment?

  2. Hello, this is my comment. I thought it was cool how you included the so-called blessing, and described it in detail. A person who knew nothing bout Cassandra would probably get a very broad idea as to what it was. It was very good, and I liked it. I also have a question. What would you do if this happened to you?
