Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What Things Can We Believe Anymore?

Well first you can never believe me ever:) But when the Space Shuttle Challenger launched, about a minute after launch, it killed all on board. Also, most people aren’t concerned about our decaying planet, and climate change, which WILL impact all organisms on earth one day. This includes the melting of permafrost and greenhouse gasses being released into our atmosphere.

Image result for trojan horseThis was also about a girl who could see horrible events happening later in her life. Because of this, she saw something horrid happen. she saw soldiers from Greece that came out of a horse's butt. She tried to warn everyone but no one cared. This ended up to be a horrid event. If someone was telling you your car is going to blow up or something? What would you say?

1 comment:

  1. I like how you made sure to mention how the space shuttle exploded and how people can think that it relates to the Cassandra Curse. I think you could have added a part on how Cassandra died and how she had another vision and no one believed her. I found the question at the end interesting and I like how you added it into your blog post. I also enjoyed that you tried to make this humorous by mentioning that the soldiers came out of a horses butt and not just the horse. Overall I think you did a great job on this blog post.
