Thursday, November 14, 2019


The lesson I learned from the Cassandra curse was how the Cassandra curse was she could predict the future, however no one believed her. She was an outsider making it hard for her to be taken seriously making her so no one will believe her. For example when she saw the wooden Trojan Horse she warned them not to bring it in, but she was ignored and they brought it in anyways. Also in the middle of the night the best German solders came out of the Trojan Horse and won the war. How long until they will they start to believe.


  1. I really like your title, as it really draws people in to look at your post. What I'd suggest now is that maybe you give a little bit more on what is the lesson you learned from not being believed and how maybe to be able to believed. Maybe you should connect your conclusion a little better also, because while I was reading your post, I was kind of surprised on how you ended because the question was a little out of place. But overall, your post is really good! I like how you included details of the Cassandra Curse and your question at the end. I think the human race will never actually start to believe people that are outsiders and like Cassandra very soon. Great job on your post!

  2. I was wondering why you did not include the nasa rocket that exploded also i think you should include more details in your blogI love how you wrote it but I think you should make the title more interesting so people will get lewered into reading what you wrote also
