Friday, November 15, 2019

Cassandra's Failure and maybe Ours.

In the podcast hidden brain, they talk about a woman named Cassandra who had prophetic powers but nobody would listen to her. On the last day of the trojan war, troy got beat by dudes in a horse, ya pretty weird. so when troy was being shipped off Cassandra was oddly optimistic, unlike the other slaves, then she got brutally murdered by a cheating wife after she saw a greek general get murdered.(now that's a weird type of revenge) The story tells us about how we need to speak out and tell people why we should be concerned and then do something about it. Then the podcast tells us about the unfreezing permafrost, which holds twice the amount of carbon in the ice than what's up there right now. (not good) This thawing of the permafrost could turn our atmosphere into one like Venus's which would then, in turn, kill us all. Would you try to speak out to help everyone, even if you had to give up everything like Cassandra?
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  1. Hey, I really liked this blog, you put in your own opinion in there, I also thought why choose a horse.You included lots of detail into each of your sentences, I could see it in my mind. I wonder, why would the curse be the "cassandra curse, why not Solly or Land. In conclusion, what do you think of the Cassandra curse.

  2. I really liked your Title and the whole post. I thought about it and asked myself how did they not figure out the trojan horse was a bait because they were fighting for a long time and suddenly they would not sign a peace treaty. I wouldn't really call it a curse though.... How would you react if you were Cassandra?
