Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Cassandra Curse

Cassandra was never believed by the Greeks because she had no power. She knew something bad was going to happen, but nobody listened to her. And then, in the night, something terrible happened. It was an enemy attack- they all came out of the horse that was a “gift” and killed everyone, Cassandra being the only one left alive. Soon after, her visions weren’t believed again, and she died too. Cassandra had no power, and nobody would listen to her even though she was right, which was a curse. The Cassandra Curse. There were many “Cassandras” but one, a man named Andrew, actually did something about it. He gave presentations and lots of evidence of possible deaths. He was like Cassandra, but in the end, he was believed. Another example is how someone said something was going to go wrong when NASA’s spacecraft would start, and they were right. The spacecraft boosted off and then exploded in the air. Something that really affects us today, is another “Cassandra”. He was going through tunnels, long ago, and smelled something horrible. He discovered that the tunnel was full of frozen, preserved dead animals, and they were melting?! He tried to tell people, but nobody cared. Now, global warming is a huge problem. The Cassandras really need to be heard.

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