Friday, November 15, 2019

Cassandra's Curse: Now and Then

Image result for cassandra's curse

The Cassandra Curse is based off a Greek myth. The myth explains that Cassandra is a prophet, but one whose warnings aren't heeded. In the Trojan war, she tells people in a prophetic way that they shouldn't bring in the wooden horse full of Greek warriors. However, nobody listens, and the Greeks mercilessly slaughter the Trojans, dealing them a heavy blow. Today, there is a much larger problem; climate change. If the earth warms, the permafrost will melt, releasing 2 times as much carbon dioxide as there already is. Scientists are trying to warn the world that this is happening, but once again, no one is listening! What would you do in the scientists' place to prevent another disaster from the Cassandra Curse, and why?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Divya! I think you did a great job on your post, as it was incredibly detailed and provided a solid explanation of the tale. Your word choice really helps the whole piece flow, leaving the post with an excellent feel. I think connection to the modern-day issues we have to face was valuable, and to answer your question, THREATS. If people aren't part of the solution they're part of the problem, and if they're going to endanger everyone else just threaten them until they get the point! Maybe even act on some of them! :)

    (Editor's note: don't actually threaten anyone nor act on those threats in any way. That is not good. You would be a bad person if you did that. Don't be a bad person. In actuality I would try to make the effects of climate change more well known.)

    Here's a question for you: How would you help the Cassandras of the world be heard?
