Friday, November 15, 2019

Cassandra's Curse

Image result for trojan horseCassandra's curse was about a woman who could see the future. She could see that the trojan horse was not a good thing, but no one believed her. She could see events that would happen in the future, but when she warned people about the events to come no one believed her. If you warned someone about something that was going to happen bad in the future would you believe them or would think they're crazy?


  1. I think you did a good job putting that picture of a wooden trojan horse on the screen. I like that horse because it is so big, ancient, and cool. Another reason I like that trojan horse is because he is standing right in the middle of a harbor. The final reason why I like that trojan horse is because you can see something really cool at the harbor so you don't get bored.

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