Monday, November 18, 2019

The Cassandra Curse... BAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!????

    Cassandra, the smart woman that told the future. Why is it that people are so ignorant? Not just now a days, but back then too. The story of Cassandra was (in my opinion) very interesting. Cassandra was a woman who warned her town that something bad was going to happen. No one listened to her and went on with their daily lives. Until that bad thing happened, the space craft had exploded 73 seconds after it was launched. Hmmm, you might be thinking. Don't worry, that's what I was think too when I learned about Cassandra, the daughter of the King of Troy. Sometimes warnings are just a bunch of hocus pocus but other times, not so much. You should always be aware of things when someone warns you, even if it sounds outrageous.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel like your blog is pretty short, but has a lot of detail in it, and I agree with you on how you said that it was outrages. But you were supposed to add a question at the end. I also agree about how this story was really good.

  3. Although a little short, it is very detailed and I agree with all of your explanations. But you should add a question at the end.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In my opinion your summary was very accurate in terms of the events that unfolded in the podcast. I like how other peoples podcasts are kind of similar, but then yours, is just very different in the way that you describe your opinion on about how the podcast was. I think you need to and a detailed question, just for the fact that it is kind of short. (my post is short too:)
