Sunday, November 24, 2019

Let it die, let it die

(I tried again!!!!!)

you know those people that just don't ever listen to and when they die you're like, 'yup, I told you so' that's what happened to Cassandra I-don't-have-a-last-name. Cass was one of the King of Troy's kids (god knows how many he had) Cass happened to be cursed by the salty God of prophecies because she didn't send him any offerings, boohoo to him. Anyway, the curse was no one would listen to her warnings and boo! they'll all end up dead. the dead part wasn't part of the curse... FO EXAMP! Cass got this vision where the evil dude of Troy would die. She tried to warn him, but oh well,  he died by the hands of his oh so evil wife, there was other stuff that I would've listed if I had enough motivation. Fortunately, I don't, it's Sunday, Pre-Monday. you get the idea.

Adios gente a la que llamo mis companeros de clase


  1. I like your post, I also loved how you were tryin' to stay hip with the kids these days, lol. But also, what about the Trojan horse and how big of a deal that was? Most importantly the goodbye with Spanish, why? Yeah, that's it for me but got it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I personally think your post is one of the best, I really like how you addressed the topic in such a humorous way, one of my favorite parts was the example of the evil wife killing the husband, that was absolutely hilarious!

  3. I like your concept mob it's really relating to me πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚I think your boss is one of the best and I do agree with ovia to really hilarious πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
