Friday, November 22, 2019

Why we don't listen to all warnings/The Cassandra Curse

What I learned about is that we sometimes ignore warnings. Now,I think we sometimes ignore them because we think that whatever we are being warned about will not affect us. It will only affect the people who are warnings others. But that's not actually not true!! If someone is trying to warn us then maybe we should At Least listen to the warning before deciding whether we think it is true or not. If we listen to the warning then if it sounds fake, we probably won't do anything about it or worry about it. If it sounds real, then we might do something about. Although here's the thing, If we do not listen to the warning then we won't know whether to believe it or not cause we would not know what the warning is about. We only try to do something about it when it has already started or when it is too late. Or we might do something if we actually here an alarm that we know represents a certain danger when is going off. So if we listen to to what people are warning us about then maybe it might not affect us OR it might not even happen cause someone might do something that might prevent it from happening or at least not be as bad as it would be if nobody were to do anything about it. which why we should listen to the warnings being spread about something(s).

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