Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Cassandra Curse was about a girl who had these psychic powers, and when her and her village got a present, Cassandra had an odd feeling about the gift. That night the present that they received later that day, enemies crawled out of the horse and killed everybody but Cassandra. Later on Cassandra died because of her visions. The Cassandra curse has lived on to haunt more people and live on into other people's lives. The Cassandra curse has affected our new life today such as our icebergs melting and or climate change and many more things.



  1. Emma i like how you described cassandra but i don't like how you called the trojan horse a present and you said cassandra twice in one of the sentences in the middle of you passage. I also think you should add the other guy that had the same curse as cassandra.

  2. i agree with nathan i like your describing words but some repetitive
    words made it worse you should also add more info about the trojan horse
    but i did enjoy the blog i really liked it

  3. I really like your post but there's some run on sentences where you maybe could've put a comma or a period.I also agree with Nathan that it was weird to call the trojan horse a present. But overall it was really good.

  4. I also agree with them, I wish you could've added the guy that had the same curse as cassandra and how you kinda had run on sentences. Also what you said about the trojan that's actually funny, but i really like your blog its really good :)
