Thursday, December 5, 2019

why won't you listen to me

    The Cassandra curse could be real or it could just be a big coincidence that some people get listened to and some don't but the reason I feel like they listen to some people and don't listen to some people is that when a tragedy happens someone said it was going to happen but then the next time they decide to listen to someone and the tragedy never happens because they listened to the person but then when another person talks they don't listen because they think they have it under control and then they don't and another tragedy happens again. So would you listen to that person or ignore him and see what happens?


  1. I think you did a great job staying on topic, you also did a good job not making everything feel confusing. I challenge you to try not to use such long run on sentences.

  2. You did good with the question at the end along with the summary it was very detailed. I think you could use other words then someone all the time ut the general summary was very good
