Friday, October 23, 2015


Did you know that our government, a democracy comes from the Greeks? Almost all of our government was pulled from the original Athens. The Athens lived during  the Golden Age. They grew from rich age and trade around the city. If the Athens didn’t exist, I honestly don’t know where we would be today! The trading and rich background helped them overthrow the greeks for a while. The Golden Age was good for some people and bad for others. Would you want to be alive during the time of the Athens? 


  1. Wow that's a tough question! I don't know if I'd want to be alive or not, I guess it depends on whether or not I would be one of the people who would do well. Since there is now way of telling, and I'm doing pretty good in this life, I wouldn't want to live in the Golden Age.

    1. I agree, life now is way easier than life then. If I was a person that was doing good back then. I would be very greatful.

  2. This is a very good post! Keep it up
