Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lightning dude? You'd be scared too!

Have you ever thought about how powerful the Greeks considered Zeus? I mean beside the fact he was a god to them and they worshiped him. He was a pretty big deal to the Greeks. He was known as the God Of The Sky, ruler of all the other gods. Zeus had a lightning bolt which he used to hurl at those who displeased or defied him. If I knew of a guy like that, I’d probably do the same thing as the Greeks! Who wants to get a lightning bolt hurled at them? So, if you had to choose, which god do you think is the best?

1 comment:

  1. Good job you made me think. Also I agree Zeus is really scary he is threatening everyone all at once. I don’t know what I’ll do if I was in the Greeks place. Well on to the question I think probably the coolest God would be Hades, he i super mysterious and has a fricken three headed giant dog proctor. Well what do you think about Hades?
