Thursday, March 24, 2016

People, Parades and Pray

Namaste… Hello… In the U.S. we celebrate 10 national holidays. In India, they celebrate only three national holidays.  India's three holidays are Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti and Republican Day. August 15th is when they celebrate Independence Day. They celebrate by having parades, singing the national anthem and listening to speeches by the Prime Minister and President of India. They also display their national flag on flag poles and on there clothes. On October 2nd, they celebrate the birthday of the “Father of the Nation”, Gandhi Jayanti. He was a simple man, so in honor of him, they have simple celebrations. On this day they have prayer meetings and painting and essay competitions favoring the topics of peace, non-violence and freedom. Every January 26th in India is Republican Day. The most important celebration is the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi. The President of India is present and recognizes people that have shown courage. The military displays its arsenal. If I could celebrate  one of these holidays in India, I would like to see the Republican Day Parade because of all the military personnel. What holiday would you like to participate in?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's interesting that India only has 3 holidays. We have 10 like you said, I think this is because were a more diverse country than India. I would like to see the Republic Day Parade, like you. The parade seems cool the way you described it, you get to see the president and see all the military personal. Did you know that traditionally the parade ends with a motorcycle dare devil how cool!
