Friday, March 25, 2016

India is it really the place to be?

From Bollywood films, to cricket, to festivals to the Taj Mahal. India is the place to be, popular because of their culture and lifestyles is a truly cool place to visit. The lifestyle and spirituality there is just very intriguing. I have always wanted to visit there. I just find the food, the culture just over state of mind breathtaking. I have always found henna interesting too. It is a blend of plants ground into dye then put into a tube to then be painted on parts of the body such as arms and ankles. The spirituality and state mind seems totally different from that of people in the US it seems like a more relaxed and calm environment. After reading this would you want to visit India?


  1. Good job Lisa! I didn't know that henna tattoos were made from plants. The one time I got a henna tattoo I thought it was just temporary ink. I learned that the food in India can also be a bit relaxing because sometimes it is based on valleys. I would definitely visit India one day if I could. I think you should go check out Carmen B's blog. It is about house luxury, and even though it isn't the same exact topic as yours, it is about relaxation, kind of like your blog.

  2. I see a bunch of people have henna on all over their bodies but mostly on their hands. J Semerly once "tried" to do henna on me but turned out terrible but instead we just kept going and making random designs. LOL! Henna is made from PLANTS?! Just like what Sophia said I had no clue I thought it was like a type of ink or marker or maybe paint. India sounds interesting and fun. I really liked the picture you used good job on this paragraph Lisa.
