Sunday, March 27, 2016

India, a fun place to be!!!!

I always thought of India as a cool place. I really want to go there when I am in College or even after that. Just sometime in my life. There is a lot cool cool places like Andaman Islands, Living Root Bridge, Indian Ghost Town of Bhangarh and Chadar The Frozen River Trek, I want to go there because they all look very interesting and fun to go to. In East India, a popular dish is fish and rice. I don’t really like fish, but rice is one of my favorite foods. The thing I think is most cool about food in North India is it is reflected off valleys. Would you like to go to India some day?


  1. I actually would love to go to India. Having elephants being a regular way of transportation must be a lot of fun. I read that the Ganges River is a place where there are dolphins, rivers, rafting, canals, and mythology. The favorite thing that I would want to do there would be the dolphins. I might get to see some and maybe even ride them. I also read that it is 1,569 miles long! What do you think about that?

  2. I wish you could've put some more information but this is a good blog. I would want to go to India because of all the things you can do there. The food looks great and the places that you go are at a real high. They also have some really cool animals there. Rafting down the rivers would be really fun and exciting. India has so many places to go to and that’s why there have a lot of tourists come and have a really good time. What are your thoughts?
