Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Don't look at this, or you might lose lunch! (Bad pun.)

     When you think of India, do you think of strange foods? I sure didn't before reading this article. They eat some very strange foods. I thought that one of the strangest things was Frog Legs in Sikkim and Goa.  Not only has this dish been around for so long in India, but it was eaten so many times that the population of Indian Bull Frog has decreased so much that the government is calling it an endangered species. Even though your are not supposed to eat them now, you can still find restaurants serving them. Another weird thing is Red Ants Chutney in Chhattisgarh. This is a dip made from red ants and their eggs. It was crushed by salt with sweets and spices, and can even set your tongue on fire! The local tribes tell you that it's not a dish, it's an adventure. The worst one yet is Snail Stew with Steamed Hornets, which I don't even know how they make. I am guessing that they somehow boil the shells and hornets so they become softer, but I don't even know how they get the stinger out. This dish is famous for being sold on the street. What do you think is the grossest/most interesting dish? Let me know in the comments!
Frog Legs In Sikkim and Goa.

1 comment:

  1. I am internally screaming at the moment. What is this. Help. This is disgusting. All of it. I cannot imagine even trying to eat this. Personally, I think the most gross food ever is when people eat bugs. I hate bugs, so eating them in unthinkable. Some people eat locusts or grasshoppers. Apparently they’re very nutritious? Ew. However, some people need to eat bugs to survive because there’s no other food source, so I guess you can eat bugs sometimes. Still, it’s completely disgusting. Would you eat bugs?
