Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why you might consider not buying the most expensive phone known to man (and some other stuff)

So, facial recognition. All I was ever really told about it was that it was supposed to be the next big thing, no need for I.D., or passports, all that kind of stuff. But what happened? I suppose people started questioning the privacy of using facial recognition, and from there, the safety. I was kind of surprised when I read that 31 states use facial recognition in their police departments. I’m not sure if Michigan is one of those states, but that’s what Google is for, right? You can look it up on your own time. Everywhere you go, there are cameras all around you. Banks, restaurants, random places in the street, schools, your phone, basically anywhere you go (I don’t know if you actually go to the bank, that just came to mind).This really makes you second guess buying that really expensive phone that has a face password, right? I mean, come on, you know I’m right. Can we have both safety and privacy? People do try and draw a line between the two, but it’s so hard to place where it should go. It already feels like we’ve gone too far with not giving citizens their privacy, but there isn’t enough safety, is there? So, many people believe that they don’t have enough privacy, but those same people will probably say that there isn’t enough safety in our country either. Basically they have to pick one or the other. If you want the perfect amount of both, then hire a rocket scientist. Or you could become a rocket scientist. I mean come on, you have a lot of options. Either pick one or deal with the fact that safety and privacy are not best friends. But I am curious about your opinion. Do you think safety or privacy is more important? Ask other people their opinions as well. Remember, there’s no such thing as too many points of view, or maybe there is, because that would be your opinion. See where I’m going here? Anyway, think about it. See y’all later.

1 comment:

  1. Hello this is Kiara and You did a great job. I agree. You can't choose Safety and privacy. You can choose one or another. I think that safety is more important than privacy. I would rather be safe than have my privacy... Because If I am safe then I have a less chance of being dead.
