Monday, October 7, 2019

Facial recognition and robots will take over the world!!!!

Remember the terminator, we’re getting closer and closer to skynet than ever, we’re using things like facial recognition. You know, more and more people are using facial recognition,(or governments) well the police are, but how long until random people start using it to stalk people and do mean things like finding targets for killings, Or other things so that isn’t good, huh huh. That is one way that would suck, also with all this corrupt politicians around what if they start to use this for turning america into a dictatorship, or what if the government starts to stalk us. now that I typed it out loud sounds really weird, like why would they even what to stalk us like, what do we have they don’t have. Then what if an A.I. becomes self-aware then takes over the world, like terminator, or becomes like the thunderhead in arc of the scythe. What do we do then. See how many times people used facial recognition for bad things, you’ll surprised, I was too.

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