Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Dora new times

How would the show “Dora the Explorer!” be if she was created in the year of 2019? Well for starters, she would probably have a different style of clothes. And even though it's a personal choice, she might have lost the signature bob hair look. She would definitely still have her talking map and Boots. Their like her sidekicks or teammates. They help her on all her mission’s. The map helps her find her way, and Boots just help with everything. Without them Dara might not be such a good explorer! How would you think Dora would be in 2019?


  1. When you said if she was created this year then she would have a different type of clothes, that made me think of when you see movies from like the 1980s the clothing type is different.

  2. I agree because every day when you take a shower you change your clothes. Another reason is because some movies are older and have more torn apart clothes and newer movies have more fresh, clean, and newer clothes. Also another reason is that it is more appropriate to wear clean clothes more often is because in public people think it is rude to wear dirty clothes.
