Monday, October 7, 2019

Ever think your friend makes no sense? Well, maybe they can be right

So, my friend and I argue a lot about different things. The “relevant” topic we were arguing about today was facial recognition. Here is how I thought about it.

“People shouldn’t be complaining about their privacy if they’re safety is the thing being boosted.”I said.

My friend gave me the look like I was the stupidest person on Earth.

The discussion continued.

“I think the police are breaking the fourth amenedment, stupid.”my friend said.

“The Fourth Amendment states, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects….” and they are not breaking that rule. They are making the world more secure.”

My friend replied, “After that it states and for no searches and seizures. Their faces are being searched without permission.”

I shot back,” Are you saying a criminal could use that as an excuse?”

She screamed, “That’s my opinion!”

I replied, “Then why did we just have an argument about this?”

She said, “Because I wanted to.”

That was the end of it. I didn’t think that it was important at the time, but now I'm thinking. What do you guys have to say, do you side with me, or my friend?


  1. Well, you certainly gave an effort. I think it was good to include dialogue and end with a question. I might've added more information, but overall it was interesting. I am wondering, how did this topic come into your conversation and who was the friend you were arguing with? That's all I have to say.

  2. Good article I like how you included background information to back you up. How did you even get to this point. Why are you arguing about this anyway. Good ending with a question and good dialogue too. I side with your friend because I think it is an invasion of privacy. I like the blog though.
