Monday, October 7, 2019

The recognition security system

Facial recognition has been the newest type of security technology . It has helped a huge number of cities capture a lot of criminals. I think that this is an amazing idea to capture a lot of criminals and stop a lot of crimes or to identify the criminals that were responsible for the crime. I was amazed when I learnt how many cameras both public and private cameras the police had access to. When I learnt about the number of camera access the police , I knew that nobody was going to escape from the police camera. This is good because almost all the people wouldn’t even try to attempt any type of crime because they would be scared to try to rob anyone.

But many people are concerned about the new technology. They think that it may interfere with a lot of privacy. I think that this is all rubbish talk because the cameras were used to arrest more than 1,000 criminals in New York alone. Without the cameras , the crime rates are going to start going up again.I think that we should hold a vote about it. Even if we do , I am sure that people are going to pick safety over privacy because safety is much more important.What would you choose? Safety or Security ?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion I also believe that it's a problem with finding criminals. To answer your question I would want sfatey over privacy. Yes, I also agree less people will try robbing places now because iit's too risky. But, my question is Who would argue about such a simple question.
