Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Do kids no days like Dora's style?

Do kids now days like Dora's style?

Do you think Dora’s shirt matches her bright orange shorts? I think that all kids that were born in the 2,000’s and up know and love the show Dora , including her outfit. But now days lots of people do not prefer her outfit style. This outfit choice and show is pretty iconic. The show was adored by millions of kids and still is. But these days I don’t think anyone would dress like dora because she wears a type of style that is hard for some kids to wear. As you can see the old Dora is more of a cartoon, and the new Dora is more detailed. I think when they make a new version of Dora they should make new clothing for her. Do you guys agree?
Image result for doraImage result for dora


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