Tuesday, October 8, 2019

you can never be to old for dora!

Hello, today im going to be talking about dora the explorer. You probably don't know what went into making dora the tv show. You might think it's just like every show and you were thinking that than you are wrong. A Lot of planning adjusting revising and hard work went into this show we all know and love. When I was little I was the only one in my preschool class that knew what hola or amigos ment and it was because  i watched dora. It is a great show and it was fun learning what went in to the making of the show. And before you leave i want to ask you something. Before reading this did you know about what went into dora?

1 comment:

  1. i really liked this but you did not give that many details to what went on in the whole show of dora but other than that i really liked you blog an i could see that you were happy as a child with doar and it was like you were really talking to me.
