Monday, October 7, 2019

Facial Recognition - No hiding your face

You can use Facial Recognition to solve a crime for example if you got someone on camera stealing something from a store then you can use the facial recognition to figure out who that person is. “Did you seal that from the apple store” the police asked “no” the person says “If you are not going to tell me then I will look at the camera of someone sealing the item and see if it is you by facial recognition.” says the police. That's how I would see it, but they also say the technology isn’t always accurate and could lead to wrongful arrests. “I promise I didn’t steal the item from the apple store” the person says. “You still look like that person so now you are under arrest.” I think that if they used facial recognition then the police or detectives would have to be very careful not to get someone in jail that did not do anything wrong. How popular will facial recognition get in the next 5 years?
Image result for facial recognition


  1. I like how you pointed out how well it would help us in solving crimes, but you also showed how people can wrongly get arrested and spend time in jail/ pay a ton of money for no reason. Your closing question is a very good question, I personally think that we won't be using it in five years.

  2. I love how at the end of the story you leave a suspense and you leave people wondering what happened
