Friday, January 29, 2016

Believing in What i Untrue.

After watching the film, Promises, my knowledge has been changed.  First, both sides don't even know the truth about the other. The kids have so many things in common and they are just believing what their parents before them believed. In my opinion, this is sad. This causes friends, cousins, and family members to die. I am on neither side of the Palestinians and the Israelis. They both think that the other side will try to kill the other side when they see them.  Both have their reasons, but they don't know the truth about some things.

When the kids all meet, I predict it will go down like this. They will start out with thinking the other side is horrible, but then they will talk. Finding out they have some of the same interest, they will probably become friends. All in all, each side should find out what the other is by experience, not by what someone else thinks.

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