Thursday, January 14, 2016

Syrian refugees, good or bad?

          Have you ever thought about the refugees from Syria?. Well from the news in all you probably seen how the Syrian refugees are moving to literally anywhere in the world. The countries in the world like the E.U and Canada and even America are letting the immigrants into their countries, for I favor this idea  But other people do not. People think that all the immigrants are bad because of what happened in San Bernardino but that was just people who were on the side of ISIS. In summary I think that we should give the Syrians a chance with a good background check, what do you think about the Syrian refugees?.


  1. I think this is not good at all because there WILL be terrorists and criminals slipping through the cracks. This puts us in danger and other people in danger. Honestly I think our government is pretty stupid to let something like this happen to our country by letting these people that we know nothing about into the United States.

    1. I do not agree with you Tommy. First of all all refugees go through intense background checks before being allowed into the country. This proves that the United States is NOT letting people we know nothing about into the country. Secondly it is possible to have slips, but our government is very sturdy so there is a slim chance for that to occur. Also just take a moment to think about it; people in Syria are dying everyday, and living in fear. Children pass bomb shelters on their way to school. There is little work, and people live in rubble. Do you think that it is okay to leave people completely helpless while they suffer everyday?

    2. Well said, Alajandra! Your thoughts, Tommy?

  2. Alajandra, way to go! I absolutely agree 100%
