Thursday, January 14, 2016

Airstrikes and Explosions

From the walks they said that the Gaza strip was attacked and a war broke out a year ago. Well I found that on Wednesday, 1-12-16, Gaza was attacked again, an air strike. The attack was by Israel’s air force and they hit a squad of Palestinian militants who where planning to bomb the Israeli forces. Similarly war the walks talked about in 2014 was between Israel, and Hamas. Again, the Israel air force attacked the Gaza strip, but this time with the help of the Shin Bet security agency. What would you do if you lived near the Gaza strip and this was happening near your house?Airstrike cartoons, Airstrike cartoon, funny, Airstrike picture, Airstrike pictures, Airstrike image, Airstrike images, Airstrike illustration, Airstrike illustrations

1 comment:

  1. If I lived in Gaza I would probably be freaking out! i'm scared of tornadoes and hurricanes I can't even imagine seeing bombs or airstrikes. I wonder how those people get on with life knowing that they can't go to far from the village without being bombed. My only question is why do people do this to each other?
