Friday, February 28, 2020

Indias food

     Indian cuisine has a wide variety of foods. Some of India's most popular food include biryani, dosa, butter chicken, tandoori meats, and samosas. Biryani consists of a mixed rice dish which can include any kind of meat eggs or vegetables. Another popular Indian dish you might have heard of is curry, which consists of a spicy sauce with fresh dried chili, ground turmeric, cumin, etc. mixed with a blend of meat usually chicken. Samosas is also a Middle Eastern dish usually stuffed with potatoes, meat, bell peppers, and chickpeas. I'm actually Middle Eastern and eat samosas usually during the month of Ramadan.

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading your blog post and it was very interesting to learn about indian cuisine and indian culture. I liked how you explained what some of the dishes were and what they had in it. You should look at rileys blog post about india as some extra information about india.
