Monday, May 16, 2016

Transportation in Japan?

Imagine you're studying abroad in Tokyo Japan. You wake up in your new apartment, and get ready for your first class. When you reach the train station people are waiting for everyone to try and fit on the train, and when it looks like it’s full, workers start shoving people into the train. These people get payed to push people onto the train until they can close the doors. In Tokyo it is impossible to get around. The streets are crowded,  the buses are stuffed, and well you know what the trains are like. You would need to leave two hours earlier just to make it on time. What if you wanted to meet some friends, or you were on your way to school, you would need to go through so much trouble just to go out. Would you like to live in a city like this?

1 comment:

  1. Abbey,
    I would NOT like to live in a city that is this packed! It would be such a pain just to go somewhere. It would keep you trapped inside and not be able to go outside without having to go through a big hassel! Another thing that is crazy is that it is not just the trains that are packed full of people, it is everywhere. The cities the towns the shops . . . . everywhere! I think that it would be awful to live there!
