Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tour to the Pool

Today we are taking a trip to Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium pool. Now don’t be alarmed that when we enter it may be crowed. There is a possibility that we don’t even get to go in. Ok lets head in! Over here you can see the 50 person line for the slide. And to your left you can see the pool filled  with people. Try to get in as much sight seeing as possible. If we need to leave and can not find you, we will send out a search party into the pool (yes, they do this!) so do not be alarmed. Ok! Head out!

3 Hours Later
What did you do in the time?

1 comment:

  1. I'm claustrophobic, so knowing me, I would probably leave right when I get there. I wouldn't like it too much, considering you can't even get in it usually! There is so many people! Would you go in?
