Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Day In Japan Part 1 (part 2 written by Breanna)

Picture yourself living in Tokyo. How would it feel or look. What would it be like to live there in Japan?

You wake up in your apartment.  To you, it would be considered small, but to others in Tokyo, it would be the average size of any other apartment or house. With the rooms all tightly packed together, you would have to find clever ways to conserve your space. Lots of people choose to pack away their things in drawers or bins to reduce clutter in their already tiny homes.

Today you decide to get your breakfast at a local coffee shop down the street from your apartment. You walk out of your building and head to the Cafe. You bump into at least four people on your way. The streets are always so crowded here in Tokyo. When you arrive, the line is out the door and when you look in, the tables are all filled. Luckily you are getting yours to go. You don't mind the wait because it's a nice day and you don't have to work today!

You get a latte with adorable coffee art!
You decide to go shopping while you wait to meet your friend at Pizzeria Da Peppe Napolistaca for lunch. You stroll around Shinjuku Golden Street, browsing their variety of shops and stands. Of course there are so many lines and the river of people makes it hard to get around, so you only make it to three stores before you have to leave for lunch.

You make your way to the subway station closest to you. Oh my gosh you think, the subway so crowded! There are people that are helping to shove the passengers onto the train just to they can shut the doors. There is no way you are getting on that, but you end up doing it anyway. It is part of everyday life in Japan. When you are on the train, you can't move and have people on all sides of you. It is loud, hot and very squished. a few minutes later the train slows and you can get off.

You made it to Pizzeria Da Peppe Napolistaca! You and your friend rejoice at the site of each other. It has been a long morning for both of you. After your wonderful lunch, you go your separate paths. You make your way home. You are done for the day and don't plan on doing anything else! What an eventful day in Tokyo Japan.

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