Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Everyday life in Japan

                          On your way to work, you have to be pushed onto the train car, for there is no more room left on the train. Packed tightly, you hold on to the bars in the top to keep from falling over; not that you would from all of the people around. This is the life of an everyday citizen in japan who travels by train to work. Every morning you wake up, and get ready. Then, you are packed into a train car with lots of other people like a giant ham sandwich. you might have a small coffee that is like the color of a raven’s wing, and then you arrive at work. It’s not easy to live in a small-space life. If you are lucky enough, you might have a house to go home to at the end of the day. If you aren’t so fortunate, you might live in a cube hotel, each capsule being the size of a stall in a bathroom, and it is the exact shape of a small cube of cheese. Every day it is the same pattern. Every day you do the same thing, a non-ending and repeating cycle that seems to go on forever. There are some breaks though, like in the summer, where you can go to the local wave pool and have some fun. Even that reminds you of the life you try to escape from though, because you are in a giant cup of water with other people floating around with you and it seems so dense that if someone were to look into the cup, all they would see was you and the other people. Life in Japan seems small, with no space for large families and luxurious two-story houses. At the end of the day though, it is worth your while to get a good night’s sleep.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great post. You make it sound like you have actually done these things! There is so much detail and description, it's really good. I also like how you added some emotion and a point of view. It is really cool to read about this and get a very cool picture of what it could be like.
