Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mountain Gorillas and Facts

Mountain Gorillas. There are only about 350 mountain gorillas left on the earth. These creatures can grow up to 6 feet and weigh up to 425 pounds. Mountain Gorillas are vegetarians and eat 45 pounds of bamboo and insects a day. Some of the gorillas can live up to 53 years. The leader of the mountain gorillas are the silverback gorillas. The males get silver hairs on their backs and take leadership of their group. Mountain Gorillas are going extinct and we can help them survive. This is my message about mountain gorillas and how we can help them live on as the amazing creatures they are.


  1. I was going to do a post about the gorillas but they didn't really interest me. Though it is pretty cool that they can eat 45 pounds of bugs and bamboo all in a day without getting stuffed. They definitely are in a dangerous situation being endangered and only a small amount are left. No wonder they weigh so much after eating all that food. It must be really hard to walk after a full meal. I like the picture and I hope the gorillas don’t go extinct.

  2. This is so cool Oscar, I can't imagine eating 45 pounds of food and there being not a single gram meat! How do they do that? I think it is super sad that they are endangered and could go extinct, I wish people would stop hunting them and hunt skunks so the world doesn't smell as bad. I also wonder if it isn't just humans making them endangered maybe it is their other known predators like the leopards and crocodiles, not just the annoying humans. I have never even seen a mountain gorilla but I already know I love them and hope they are okay and don't go extinct.
