Monday, March 2, 2020

Nepal Foods!!!1

I Chouse the state of Nepal because I have never learned about Nepal but I have learned about Afganistan and Pakistan. A lot of Nepal's food is typically quite spicy because it usually contains raw chilies and garlic. Dal-bhat-tarkari is eaten throughout Nepal. Dal is a soup made of lentils and spices, served over boiled grain, bhat—usually rice but sometimes another and vegetable curry, tarkari. Momo is a type of dumpling found in Nepal made of chicken, vegetables, meat, wheat/flour, and garlic. Before I go I have to ask a question would you go to Nepal and try those foods? 
Image result for What is food is typically found in nepal


  1. Hey Erica, I loved your post about Nepal's food! I would for sure want to go to Nepal and try some of their foods! I think you would like to read my blog about India's food because it is very similar to Nepal's foods, in fact Nepal’s culture and India’s culture are very similar to each other and both love spicy foods! Anyway I hope you maybe read my blog and see what I'm talking about.

  2. Great post I love how you told about how nepal's food is spicy because of it's raw chilies and garlic. Plus I learned that momo is a type of dumpling found in nepal made of chicken, vegetables, meat, wheat/flour, and garlic.I also learned that dal-bhat-tarkari is eaten often in nepal. And Yes and no I would eat the dumpling but not the dal-bhat-tarkari because I've had dumpling before but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
