Monday, March 2, 2020

Indian aBnOrMaL fOoDs

Alrighty, let’s get started! Today I would like to talk about some bizarre or strange Indian food that’s probably something you’d NEVER eat. I am gonna give a list from the more normal-but-still-weird kind of foods to the super disgusting looking crazy weird foods.

Three of the foods I could understand people would like are rat meat, frog legs, and buffalo spleen. I could see people eating that mainly because people eat buffalo anyway, the frog is also meat and so is the rat meat. Some weird foods (but still not the weirdest,) are Hisla eggs, baby shark curry, and fried snails. The weirdest ones have got to be Eri Polu Silkworm; a ton of weird thick worm insect things but there are still more foods that are even more bizarre! Like red ant chutney, dog meat, and pig brain.

Tell me what you think about these in the comments and if you’d eat them I might eat buffalo spleen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

this is the red ant chutney  |


I got my information at this website 10 Bizzare and Weird Food That Is Eaten In India

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point about not wanting to eat those foods because that is just gross. I think you would like Reinas because you both talk about gross foods in India. When I saw the photos of the food I almost vomited. I think that you did a very good job on your blog, and that you should keep up the good work. I have a question would you eat the foods or not?
