Monday, March 2, 2020

Myanmar Foods

Myanmar is a country located east of China. When I researched it, I learned that it was quite an interesting place. What mainly stood out to me was the food there. Even though it is quite close to India, it uses fewer spices than in Indian cuisines.
           Some interesting foods are Shan-style rice (a sort of fish-filled squashed rice), tea-leaf salad, and Burmese curry, to name a few. They mainly use the original taste of the food ingredients itself to make the cuisines I think I would rather try some of the more sweeter foods in the country, such as ha nwin ma kin, which is kind of like Indian son papadi.
Image result for ha nwin ma kin

1 comment:

  1. Good Job on your post! I liked how you told us where it came from and what it is. I also liked how you told us the ingredients of Shan-style rice. You also did your opinions about your food which was great. You showed the picture of the food which made it more tasty as you showed what the food looks like. From your post it made the food look very tasty, and because of that I now want to try the food now.
