Monday, November 23, 2015


Carmen Bueche

really trump? anti-muslims much??? i mean at least try 2 understand. #trytrump

11/23/15 via Tweetdeck

Taylor H.

ikr. @carmen_12. Dalia Mogahed stay strong for all of us. that girl is amaz. know what i mean? #hashtags #trytrump #me

11/23/15 via Tweetdeck

Carmen Bueche

isis a threat??? don't go cray-cray worrying #usa #whatttttt #hashtags #chillman

Taylor H.

@carmen_12 isis is a threat, but only worry if they tell u 2. that seems 2 bee what they r tellin us. but they havent told us 2 yet. so no biggie #overcomeisis #ILUVHASTAGS #trytrump

11/23/15 via Tweetdeck
Barak Obama

@carmen_12 @the_original_hashtag USA PRIDE!!!! Relax ladies. 

Love, The President of our Great Nation.

11/23/15 via Tweetdeck

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