Thursday, November 12, 2015

Noah's Ark Destroyed

Now, I’ve heard from several posts, most notably Sterling’s, that Noah’s Ark has been located on Mt. Ararat. This post is dedicated to blowing this unreasonable hoax… out of the water.

First of all, in Sterling’s post, he claims that Noah’s Ark is confirmed and true, and links a Wikipedia page to it. However, if you were to actually read it, it states that all confirmed sightings are hoaxes. This casts serious doubt on Sterling’s integrity on the subject.

Secondly, Noah’s Ark is totally impossible. For example, Australia. how could noah and his family have gone to Australia, collected every endemic species, gone back, and then all the species came back, when the whole continent is surrounded by the ocean? And furthermore, without leaving any skeletons or living animals to record their passing? Additionally, how did Noah and his family, only eight people in total, have assembled enough wood to build the Ark, and have built the Ark strongly enough to resist the forces that twist wooden ships of that size apart? How did they rebuild humanity after the Flood, with only those eight people?      

If you feel that you can disprove the evidence stated above, feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. Logan, while that may be true, maybe there was someone that built a large boat to save a bunch of people back then and it got twisted into the story we know today
