Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Dora the Explorer: The Incredible Story of Swiper

Dora Dora Dora the exploreh!! The creators of Dora mentioned that kids are “editors” in a way and that she had a special connection with kids that helped to keep and open mind. The creators also said that if say today's episode was on the three little pigs, the kids would freak out when they felt like the safety of the characters were in their hands. The creator also said “We made like an experiment where the kids would choose what stories they liked more, that's how a majority of the episodes were made. As a kid i have watched Dora and I know most of you have. Now I challenge you to watch a WHOLE SEASON of Dora. Ready? Go!!!

Image result for dora

1 comment:

  1. Even though i definitely don't have the time to watch a whole season of Dora the Explorer, I do have enough time to say that you did a really good job on your blog post. When reading the podcast I thought it was really interesting that the kids helped choose the stories for the show so, I really liked how that was your main interest for your post.
