Friday, November 15, 2019

The BoOmErS Just Will Not Listen But The zOoMeRs WiLl

A man named Chris Hiemstra is driving down a road and points something out to the passenger next to him and says

“You can see in the road here - you see all these bumps and all these curves.”

The “potholes” are not actually potholes as you may think, it’s actually because of permafrost. Permafrost is soil or ice that has been frozen for more than 2 years. At first, I was thinking well that’s normal. That’s what ice is supposed to do. I thought about it for a little bit and then I got it, the ice should be melting after the winter I felt dumb after that but anyway the permafrost was melting at Chris tried to tell people because it needed to help the animals and other things inside are thawing and no one listened to him he felt invisible.

Sometimes I try to tell people things that I think are cool but they don’t, believe it, I have them believe me by giving them proof. How do you get people to believe you?


  1. This good. I like how instead of just putting the plain title "Cassandra Curse" you put this eye-catching title. I also like, instead of just talking about Cassandra like I did, you talked about how no one listened about the melting permafrost. What would you do if no one listened to you OWAN???????????

  2. hola amigos. this real good.

  3. ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ ÒwÓ

  4. u ghtbfvvvvvvvvvvv gdv bdddsdd bjv grape ijhgffghsbv nbnv nm
