Friday, November 15, 2019

A disaster is coming, Why you don't listen to me?

Image result for why does no one listen to me"
There are many interesting things in Cassandra Curse, but the one that surprised me the most is that I had the power to see the future but nobody listened to it. This all started on January 28, 1986, the Challenger spacecraft took off from Cape Canaveral in Florida and maybe someone knew something was wrong but nobody heard. Any incident could have been avoided either because someone knows something but said nothing or maybe because nobody listens, I really don't understand why there were warning signs that were ignored!
If someone gave you a warning signal, would you ignore it? Would you believe in someone you don't know?

Image result for caballo de madera cassandra"j


  1. I like the title. It's interesting, and it caught my eye. However, I recommend to add more details to this blog post. It's a bit confusing- the point of view, I mean. Are you talking as Cassandra or yourself? I like the conclusion, and the writing is, lively, I guess? I just need more information.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the questions that you added at the end and how you asked if we would be like the people that ignored Cassandra.that you added some detail but I think that you could add a little more about what actually happened and more about what they talked about in the podcast. But are you talking like your Cassandra?
