Monday, February 29, 2016

Kenya Helicopter pilot faces charges

A Kenya helicopter pilot faces charges in court after a video of hi was released pushing a police woman! They say that a crowd of excited people wanted to see the helicopter but they were getting too close to the blades of the helicopter so the pilot got mad and grabbed the policies baton and shoved her with it saying “DO YOUR JOB!” I really don't think he should have done it because that is disrespectful to the police woman. I think he should have asked her politely to ask the people to back up so they don't get hurt. This was very wrong of him and I think it is fair that he is getting charges pressed. This is what I think of this whole situation. What do you think?


  1. I completely agree with you. This is not a way to treat a women. Especially a police officer. I agree that you think he should have asked her politely, or he could have asked the crowd of people to back up. I think it might be a little bit of the crowds fault, because they were getting to close. I mean, shouldn't you realize that you about to get chopped to pieces by helicopter blades?

  2. I agree with you. He has a right to have charges pressed against him. He should not have been telling the policewoman how to do her job. She was probably going to do something if she needed to to keep the people safe but he should not have been telling her what to do. Also if he thought the people were getting too close he should have asked her nicely to say something instead of taking her baton and pushing her to do her job. Why do you think he was so rude? Do you think it was because he was scared that the people would get hurt or he was just didn't want to ask politely? Good job on your post!
