Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kenya: The Growing Terrorist Threat

Porous borders, a bad economy and corruption have made Kenya a sitting target for terrorists groups. First of all, Kenya suffers more than its share. They have deployed 3,664 people, which is less than Somalia, Uganda, Ethiopia or Burundi do, even though they bear the brunt of the attacks. Next, the breakable borders. Kenya has announced plans to build a 424 mile-long wall for about 17 BILLION dollars! The next issue is weak security. The police force is one of the most corrupt in Africa, and people can BRIBE them to get over the border. What the heck?! Even worse, the Al-Shabab group can recruit people easily, because the average salary for someone in the Al-Shabab terrorist group is about $1,000, and the average income for a normal person in Kenya is only about $76 dollars annually!  With about 70% of the working class unemployed, and such high salaries from terrorists groups, Kenya may be on it's knees sooner than later.
African police force.
Want to know more? Click this link.


  1. Wow Kenya's government is literally going haywire, I can't blame the citizens of Kenya for protesting. Even colleges like the Garissa University College had a shooting in it (IDK why Garissa is spelled) The Kenyan government needs to step up, build up their economy and be fair to the citizens of their country. I mean the average person in Kenya is minimum wage for the U.S that is crazy. The Kenya government no-offence to them is really bad, you can't have 3,664 people defend their nation. If Kenya doesn't whip into shape the whole country is going down. What do you think Kenya should do to save their economy.

  2. Their should be a question mark at the end. ?

    1. I love how you misspelled your edit.
