Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hypnos, The God Of Sleep

There is a ton of different gods from Greek mythology. I didn’t want to do a post on a well-known god, so I chose Hypnos, the god of sleep. Although Hypnos isn’t known for his power, Hypnos has overpowered  Zeus more than once. He is also very gutsy and clever.

Hypnos can put people to sleep at any time. His symbol is a poppy, and he lives in Erebos(the land of night).

The mother of Hypnos is Nyx (goddess of night). His brother is Thanatos, the god of peaceful death. His sons are known as the Oneiroi (dreams). In some texts, it is claimed that his father is Erebos, god of darkness.

I'm thinking now that Hypnos is my favorite god or goddess. Who's yours?
external image hypnos-color-drawing.jpg

1 comment:

  1. My favorite Goddess is Aphrodite because she is the Goddess of love and Beauty. Most people like her for other reasons but I personally like her because she was born out of seafoam. Who is born out of seafoam?! I like this God too because he is the God of sleep, that would be my favorite job! Making people fall asleep at any second, being able to sleep on the job and he is very powerful. Why do you like Hypnos?
