Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Myth Of Orion-The Blind Hunter

One of my favorite myths is about Orion, the hunter. Here is the link to where I refreshed my mind about this cool myth. So Orion was born to Poseidon (God of water and earthquakes) and Euryale (Daughter of King Minos), which made him a demigod (half god half mortal). Thanks to his dad, Orion could walk on water. A king had Orion blinded and so he walked to Hephaestus (god of fire and engineering) to get new metallic eyes. Then Artemis (goddess of hunting) allowed Orion to join the hunt, even though Orion was male. Orion got so into hunting he swore that he would kill all the animals on the world (<-- Crayfish!). Gaea (Mother Earth) took that to offense and sent a scorpion to kill Orion.  Artemis was really sad so she asked Zeus (king of gods and god of the skies and her dad) to make a constellation representing Orion and the scorpion.

What is your favorite story?


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  2. My favorite story is Apollo and Daphne. In this story, Apollo makes Eros mad, so Eros shoots him with an arrow to fall in love, and Daphne with an arrow to not fall in love. Apollo falls in love with Daphne, who does NOT love Apollo. Daphne is a nymph, and her father is a river god. Apollo chases Daphne all throughout the woods, until she reaches her father’s river. She calls for her father to help her, so he turns her into a laurel tree. Apollo is heartbroken, and takes the laurel branch as his symbol. Have you heard of this story before?
